Miyazawa multiplier and semi-closed multiplier are two mainly used methods in structuring Keynesian multiplier by input-output technique. 宫泽乘数与局部闭模型乘数是目前利用投入产出技术结构化凯恩斯乘数的两种常用方法。
Applying input-output analysis to industrial structures and measuring the effect of technique progress to economical increasing are the new development in applied area. 把投入产出技术应用于产业结构研究和测度技术进步对经济增长的作用是应用领域的新发展。
Changing Model for Enterprise Product Price Based on Input-output Technique and Practical Example 基于投入产出技术的企业价格变动模型及其应用
In this procedure, the input-output data pair is obtained using a moving data windows technique. 该预报技术中,输入输出数据对通过移动窗口获得。
Employing the input-output analysis technique, the paper conducts experimental analysis on the relationship between the change of economic structure and emission of carbon dioxide in Republic of Korea. 本文利用投入产出分析方法,对韩国的经济结构变化与二氧化碳排放关系进行实证分析,得出韩国在1980年代后期的内需主导型发展模式带来了环境负荷的减少;
In this paper the authors advance a new economic system ideology, the consumption-tracking theory, based on the modern control theory, the economic input-output technique and the socialist economic principles. 本文提出一种新的经济系统思想&国民经济系统消费跟踪控制理论。这一理论是建立在现代控制理论、投入产出技木和社会主义经济原理基础之上的。
Based on the reference, the author summarizes the production and development of input-output analysis at home and abroad, the current research of input-output technique and the developing trend of making input-output table. 在查阅有关参考文献的基础上,综述了投入产出分析在国内外的产生与发展,以及投入产出技术的研究现状和编制投入产出表的发展趋势。
ERP system and the input-output technique in iron and steel industry 钢铁ERP与投入产出技术
By analyzing the city's gross quantity of contaminated material of discharged water and its economic development, based on the relevant input-output table, with the aid of linear optimizing technique, and Lingo program, the optimizing simulation of the city's economic structure is realized. 通过对某市水污染物排放总量与经济发展的分析,以该地区的投入产出表为基础,采用线性优化技术,利用Lingo编程求解,实现对该地区的经济结构的优化模拟。
A more general input-output decomposition model is presented through the combination of input-output technique and structure decomposition analysis according to the development of China macro-economy. 将投入产出技术与结构分解分析(SDA)方法相结合,以中国宏观经济的发展为背景,给出了一个带有参数、更具一般性的投入产出分解模型。
Metrics of Selection Criterion of Regional Leading Industry and Input-output Technique 区域主导产业选择基准的计量化和投入产出技术
Those coefficients and indexes are inherited the advantages of the input-output technique be used analyzing macroeconomic issues. Therefore they calculations only are based on the input-output model of the circular economy. And they can not be fully measured by any other macroeconomic analysis tools. 这些评价系数继承了投入产出技术分析宏观经济问题的优势,因此是必须依据所构建循环经济投入产出模型来计算,也是其他任何宏观经济分析工具都是不能完全测算的。
In this module, DEA models are set up from the input-output view, which are used to finish the calculation and assessment of technique and scale efficiency of distribution utilization, obtain the utilization efficiency and redundancy of distribution lines. 从投入和产出的角度构建DEA评估模型,并对配电线路的利用进行技术和规模效率的测算和评估,得到配电线路的利用效率和冗余信息。2.知识库推理模块。
The circle close state and their complex relationships of the industrial chains of the circular economy are been posted essentially by the point of the macroeconomic industry chains. And the complex relationships of the industrial chains of the circular economy are been described by using the input-output technique. 本研究从宏观经济产业链角度,更为本质的揭示了循环经济发展模式下各产业链之间的循环闭合状态及相互关系;并采用投入产出技术有效描述了循环经济下的复杂的产业链关系。
The emergy theory which is one classic theory of ecology is been introduced to analysis the application of the input-output technique of the circular economy. 引入生态学中的能值分析理论,从生态学角度探讨了循环经济投入产出技术的应用。